Cats to the Fore

I feel I have been neglecting cats a bit in this blog, and in my own household come to that. Since the arrival of Gassie the internet rescue setter, our own three tame cats have not spent any time in the house and the three wild ones are fed on the wall behind the house. Gassie can jump on the wall and so we have to keep him inside while they eat.

I have put a number of warm baskets in the woodshed next to the house which the cats can access via slits in the wall and Jimmy, the black and white kitten – well, cat now I suppose – and his mother Monica come into the vestibule part of the house and sleep in two baskets there.

Unfortunately Misha, the third tame cat and the one I refer to as my 'blood sister' after I rescued her and she mauled my hand badly, has disappeared. I haven't seen her for tewo weeks and can only think the worst. I know there are quite a few houses round here that leave food out for cats and so maybe she has gone to one of them, but somehow I doubt it. I feel guilty as I feel I have been neglecting them in favour of Gassie.

Anyway, in order to put this right on this site at least, I am going to post more appeals for needy cats. I haven't got any yet, but I will post them when I get them.

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