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English Speaking Vets
Here is a list of English speaking vets in Italy as recommended by various expats around Italy. If you have any to recommend please contact me and I will add them to the list! ABRUZZO Dottore Massimiliano...
Pet Portraits
Would you like me to paint a portrait of your pet? Well, this is a bit of a new departure for me, but I have always loved painting – animals in particular. If you would like me to paint a picture...
Leave Fledglings Alone
A couple of days ago while on my morning walk with the dogs through the woods I heard a lot of panicked cawing from a large tree. As I have a handicapped crow, I knew immediately (as you do!) that it was...
Gassie Our Internet Rescue Dog
Five o’clock in the morning and here I am sitting at the kitchen table staring at two printed pages from my computer. Each features an English setter, a breed I had scarcely even given a thought to before....