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Adozioni del Cuore
If you see this expression in Italian then be prepared, because it means that you are going to read something very sad involving the search for a home for a very old, sick or handicapped animal. I received...
Peregrine Falcon Success Story
I confess to having a weakness for birds of all kinds, particularly wild ones, so I thought you would like to see this short film. It is the moment when a rare peregrine falcon is released back into the...
Perchance to Dream
As someone who is always on the go, I was stopped in my busy busy tracks this morning, transfixed by the sight of one of my dogs in deepest slumber on the sofa. Zsa Zsa the Labrador is, it has to be said,...
Italian Dog Breeds
Ask anyone about Italian dog breeds and you’ll probably get the same response. They may be able to name one, maybe two. In fact, there are sixteen Italian dog breeds. Probably one of the most famous...