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Not Only Puppies Need Help
Did my stint at the kennels (dog pound for US readers) on Sunday. May 1 but no day off on Monday for Italians as if a bank holiday falls on a weekend – tough luck! There are two tiny puppies that...
Update on Dino - From Calabria to California!
Do you remember Dino, the lovely little dog from Calabria that 'adopted' Francis Cole and her husband? I posted his story and update here. I've had an email from Francis with the latest news...
Naming a Pigeon
Just got back from a week in the UK. Alan has been looking after the animals and has pointed out that I had probably misheard the pigeon's name, which I was convinced was Picchio. (Pronounced pick-ee-oh). 'Don't...
Picchio the Pigeon
Merlina hasn't come back although I have found a few crow feathers in the garden which makes me think that maybe she did make the great escape, although what happened to her after that I dread to think....