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Don't Forget the Cats!
I know the site has become a little dog-centric lately, but I don't want to forget about cats. Having got three myself plus the extras we feed – also three at the moment – I love cats and...
Yes, that's Thank God It's Monday! I've always loved the start of a new week so I think I shall launch a one woman campaign to replace TGIF – doubt many people will take me up on it though. I'm...
Settling In
Our internet rescue English Setter Gaspare has been here a week today. He is getting used to our routine and ZsaZsa the lab and Maia the mongrel have more or less accepted him – in fact you can see...
Gaspare is Home
Gaspare arrived on Friday after a four and a half hour trip from Milan. His ‘foster parents’ Daria and Alessandro drove him down and he arrived about midday. Alan and I were a bit nervous about...